Activities to promote SDGs
Basic Policy
As a global enterprise, Midori Auto Leather procures raw materials from around the world, using water and chemicals to manufacture and provide its products. By engaging with SDGs across the entire company, Midori Auto Leather focuses its activities on building a sustainable future.
Organizational Structure
The SDG Promotion Committee is an organization directly under the board of directors, headed by the managing director in charge. The Committee’s main responsibility is to hold small-group activities with the participation of all employees, led by members chosen from each department.
These activities are run by SDG advisers composed of Division Directors and Vice Division Directors, with support from the Promotion Secretariat.
At regular meetings of the Promotion Committee, progress on activities is confirmed and reported to the board of directors.
2030/2050 Targets
All employees of Midori Auto Leather participated in an activity to establish an ideal vision of the company in 2050.
To achieve this vision, target values were set for each materiality theme. The company will leverage all its knowledge and capabilities toward meeting these targets.
SDG Proposal System
The SDG Proposal System is an activity that solicits work improvement proposals from our employees in Japan and overseas, awards incentives for the best proposals, and applies the winning proposals to our SDG activities.
By allowing employees to actively participate in reforming and improving the work environment, we create opportunities for employees to be recognized for their contributions to work improvement and efficiency.
Sustainability reports ※
Based on the 2030/50 targets, we extract management indicators from the relevant GRI standards to be used as KPIs.
In addition, we continuously monitor trends in CO2 emissions, waste volume, and water usage (see the following graphs).